For December 2017 there’s no ranking just like the other features. The criteria why they’ve been chosen is because they follow the Guidelines & Rules of the community in the Facebook Group at the same time consistent on their composition. Some have been chosen because they have this personality in them on how they execute the photos its not a matter of which toys they use its how they tell their story.
This gives you an idea each photographer’s taste and style in capturing their subjects. Its not always necessary about the “toys” its how they use them for their composition that makes them interesting. “Toy Photography” is not just two words now if you really want to show your passion it doesn’t really start with just having the coolest toys in your collection or have the priciest action figure its how you use them and why they emphasis what we stand for which #1ShotStory and “Bringing Toys to Life” concepts. Some of you might not agree its your own perspective, but here in our fairly small community these are the artists who made it.

Sergio Sosa was recently a new member in the community anxious to share his story along with his toys. His style is impressive from indoor to outdoors with seamless photo editing that makes you want to think if the background is real or not. Certainly Batman is ready for the beach and his subject is appropriate for this narrative.

Ben Keim is relatively new to the community though he only have one interesting composition he posted directly to the group its worth noting some art toys can be a good subject for this photo narrative and got our attention. Well done, Ben.

Tomy Zein bursts into the scene with this composition of Iron Man breaking through. It’s a suspension of belief that Tony Stark can really fly. Though there are other photos being submitted almost everyday that features heavy photo editing this one was just right with color and balance that makes it to the list.

David Fuentes Pinero must be excited, too excited to post mote than one photo because he can’t contain himself for this photo. It is impressive with Stormtrroopers at war and getting blown up is something to tell in this story. This must be his best one yet and to top it off ending 2017 this photo certainly the best among the rest.

Zankhan Chhaya only photo that isn’t natural but its organic getting the attention it deserves. Driving your Hummer on the side of beach white the sun sets it is unreal. But there’s something interesting that captures this photo with a good story without words that as good as it gets.

Barbara Denham is new to the community and for her entry doesn’t conform to the s#1ShotStory concept, but it tells her personality that she takes its simple relaxing character that she used for this composition let’s hope she post more interesting photos that tell more of her stories.

Palm Nuamnual captures this diorama with natural lighting that has the right colors. This is one of the rare fixed figurines used in a composition that just made you think of the character at the same time expressing the emotion in this still shot.

Tiffanny Heymans is another newbie to the community, but has one photo featured previously during Halloween. She likes her characters distorted and creepy as this close-up of the Green Goblin from the first Spider-Man trilogy of films that seems her story arc when sharing her photos makes it here.

Genesky Gerome De Roma have random photos it’s a challenge how to define his personality and what he tries to convey, but this photo certainly captures something about being alone in a chaotic world.

KC Shum is passionate with photos and die-cast cars at the same time had a balance photo editing that put together this perspective of vehicles in motion. His photo rounds up the best for December 2017 to end the year as we zoom in to the New Year a drive to more good photos with the best stories.
Congratulations to the photographers who made it and have awesome Holidays as we feature more best photos for the coming year and welcome 2018.
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