The decline of the brand has been obvious due to that Mattel had put enough focus for their Hot Wheels brand. But these past years the Matchbox design team has slowly come to their own focusing what the core brand used to be during those early days with that comes revival or interest.
Now more than ever, Matchbox has built its way back to prominence and quality though not the same as it used to be. The brand finds its way to appeal back to collectors young and old with that in mind the focus on the details.

Details in one car can be the game changes now that technology has been able to produce more quality over a tiny object like this diecast car. Though we’re not focusing on what the car is, but how Toy Photography gives a little bit more closer look on the things most collectors don’t see in this tiny object.
Matchbox has produced the 2016 Chevy Camaro convertible on a single card and also in the recently released “Blue Highways” 5-pack with a different color of course. The back art of the five-pack set features this car driving on through a forest of greenery.

The concept is to recreate that idea and tried but not perfect although trying to address the little nuisances and details of this car namely the aesthetics that you see here. The front of the car doesn’t see much detail but the rear view is the one you’ll notice.
It’s unfortunate that Matchbox was not able to capture the aesthetics of the Camaro’s front grills and the badge, but the rear view gives you that look and certainly it is a car to behold if you are into collecting diecast cars.
Take a look at that contour lines though the image is not as perfect using an iPhone Xr camera it gives you an idea what these images are trying to accomplish. Probably it would be a great theme thanks to that they are currently running this challenge for the month of August 2019!
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