If there is something to share is these Best Ten Picks for October 2019. They are an absolutely talented group that stood out for this month and continues to inspire others to pick up a camera and bring their toys either indoors through diorama or outdoors where their imaginations run free.
Of course with all the seriousness in producing an image there is also have to be “Fun” in putting it together. If there’s no ‘Fun’ in it what’s the point in doing it at all? This concept is supposed to be a healthy dose of taking good photos at the same time appreciating the subject namely the toy that you’re gonna feature.
These ten individuals certainly will make you laugh, cry, or be impressed the amount of ideas they come up with. Sometimes you just have to let your imagination run wild to come up with a composition that you’ll get excited about before the rest of the social media world would react to it.
Finally, here are the Best TEN Picks from October 2019 and do continue to take more photos as that’s where the fun and imagination happens!

Sometimes you don’t need to think and just relax seated on a bench just as Josh Branham has come up with this simple but emotional image. There’s nothing like a capture of a micro photography that gives you imaginations on how to interpret it.

When you look at these two characters in a humorous out-of-the-ordinary way it gives you that sense humour that Ken Loh is having fun. Mattel’s Masters of the Universe are iconic toys from the 1980s that depicted as serious as the toy’s art that came with the box and packaging, but Loh breaks that cycle with Skeletor hugging He-Man.

There have been many depictions of the Stormtrooper in the past even making it as an Art Toy. But Jordan Sabado knows who is the man underneath that helment. This also shows you can be a Star Wars Fan with real life sensibilities of John Wick.

“Wasp in the Garden” is an apt title for this composition by Weston Wilkerson. There’s so much vibrant color that it burns your eyes to realize how little the story this image can tell. If you have watch Ant-Man and the Wasp or have read the comicbooks you’ll truly appreciate how remarkable this character is with this image in mind.

Star Wars takes many inspirations from Kurosawa’s “Hidden Fortress” that so much samurai elements with the lightsaber duels and other sensibilities that were Stormtroopers action figures and other characters from a galaxy from far away produced depicting them as ancient samurai warriors and Dave Debaeremaeker takes it to the next level of using them in his sunset composition.

Becky Couper has random subject that she shares with every composition she posts in the community, but this haunting image of Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy shows so much precious emotions in black and white that stood out.

Sometime non-figures like the Batmobile featured in Kevin Epling’s composition gives you that nostalgia from the Batman that was released thirty years ago. This diorama looks like it came from that film.

An Art Toys is hugely unknown in some countries, but if you collect paintings you’ll understand why they are valuable as those in canvas. Sometimes they don’t have a story, but Becca Lynn Pickering surely made use of this character to her composition.

If you’re a fan growing up watching the original Predator you surely know that Arnold Schwarzenegger was definitely not going to let some ugly faced alien take him down as Danny Richardson put together this awesome diorama scene.

The Mandalorian is the most anticipated television series airing on Disney + which is one of the first images posted by Hugo Arias making the list that stood out. There will be a lot more who will use this character, but Hugo was one of the first to bring this character to his composition giving you that western vibe.
Rounding up the month of October 2019 had some interesting images, but these ten stood out. There will be more people to be featured just continue harnessing your skills in telling a story through one image and November is coming up.
Congrats to those who continue to post their works in the community and supporting each and everyone’s works.
Keep it up until next time.
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