Batman Day has been an annual event since DC Comics celebrated the character’s 75th anniversary debut in Detective Comics #27 in 1939 in 2013. Just like Free Comic Book Day this event as become a celebration also to Batman Fans.
Here in Toy Photography we try to celebrate the event through encouraging members to submit their compositions featuring their Batman-related figures. For this year it features Harley Quinn as she celebrates her 25th anniversary since appearing in “Batman: The Animated Series”, but there was not much Harley still…
The show must go on even though there was no love for Joker’s sidekick to merit a “Batman Day” submission for this year’s entries. The most submissions that made the cut were mostly from
Carlo Jonathan Linao who is an avid Batman fan who has consistency post of his subjects from Gotham City.
But since there was not much submission for this year we dig up the previous submissions by community members which feature
Harold Ruiz,
JC De Belen, and
Len McKeel to round up for Batman Day 2017 as seen below:
LEGO Batman inspired Animated Series by Carlo Jonathan Linao |
Portrait of The Joker as portrayed by Jared Leto in Suicide Squad from JC De Belen. |
Excellent indoor setup of The Joker from Batman Arkham video game by Len McKeel. |
Harold Ruiz brings nostalgia factor with these DC Direct Batman: The Animated figures with his indoor set up. |
Closing off the best Batman Day photos here’s Carlo Jonathan’s Linao’s submission featuring “The Bat” from Hot Wheels (?) with heavy digital render as he re-imagines the scene from The Dark Knight Rises, Congrats to all who submitted and participated for this year!
Carlo Jonathan Linao takes you back to The Dark Knight Rises! |
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