With that all said there have been so many talented Toy Photographers out there that really stand out and it was quite a challenge to pick the best. Honestly, everyone is at their best it just the reception by others that made them stand out. The community is growing and everyone deserves a spotlight not one or ten.
But the month of June had A LOT of new members joining this tiny community showing their perspective on how to tell a story in one photo without any captions that makes it interesting and inspiring.
There have been good photos and the usual suspects have become favorites in their own right churning up eye popping visuals either indoor or outdoor with the use of photo software makes it even impressive. But what really stands out is how they execute and capture everyone’s attention that drives the interest of Toy Photography to its height of visual narrative.
Without the need to rank the amount of LIKEs but what makes it one of the #BESTTENPICKS here are some of those great images that made it for this month. Some are the usual artists and new ones that made an impression not because of the toys or figures they use it is about the #ONESHOTTOYSTORY that #BRINGINGTOYSTOLIFE an inspirational concept…

Juan Pablo Ardon does impressive things with outdoor shots and visual effects that make this Broly Súper Saiyan Type-A looks like Anime come to life with this action packed as this character powers up!

Akira Jo surprising turn out on this one shot image of the Iron Giant as Superman with this diorama, where there are some scenes happening behind this ginormous robot that is set in the city although static it has colourful vibrant perspectives.

Kelly Lund is a big fan of Kermit the Frog and she captures the image of what it feels to sing that “Rainbow Connection” with these toys she used for her composition and was one of the last of day’s post that was attractively well done.

Jared Warner might be a Dark Horse in the community posting one of his first images with Star Wars themed action that pushes artistry of Toy Photography to new heights and it is one of the images that garnered most LIKEs. The drama and the intensity is what made this photo caught everyone’s attention. Superb!

Matthew Musson is very talented in capturing emotion in one shot. It doesn’t need two photos to show the perspective You Only Need One and this shows how a hero can fall and be defeated certainly tugs your emotions is like an actual scene from the show has been one of his signature shots.

Joe Davis captures his toys with minimalism and he’s been featured before with a random plane, but with a Stormtrooper? Well, he did have some challenges with the right lighting and perspective and simply makes it in the list with his style.

Matthew Watson another newbie to the community just puts in The Crow on an angle that you don’t see in the film, but probably from his imagination has made this one of the best for the month of June 2019 and it is iconic.

Emese Szigetvári likes to use Funko Pop figurines and it is a challenge to use these as part of the subject. But with the right character and the set up outdoors it works wonders as simple as how the colors on this one make them life like for a cartoonish aesthetics. This one certainly an inspiration for other Funkp Pop users to find their perspective in using such characters and Emese did it.

Kristi Yarng just posted this Stormtrooper that has designs of the old Japanese Samurai set in an era of Feudal Japan with the right perspective she tells you a story of a Ronin that heads out to journey unknown.

Simon Sweetman finds the right spot for Captain Rex and sometimes indoor or diorama can’t have is the places you bring your toys or action figures. He doesn’t even bother to have this figure dirtied up. The natural light also makes the colors of this image stand out making it to this month's list.
There are others in the community that would make the list and surely they deserve special mentions. They’ve made it previously and as for those who hope to make you’ll be having that chance for July 2019 just keep on posting.
Thank you to those who participated each month for this making the group grow and as always there will be more features. Keep on producing those impressive perspectives for now enjoy the Best TEN Picks from last month.
Woow all pictures are so amazing!