You can not only truly define them with the toys or characters they use it is how they present themselves to stay appreciative for their consistency in Bringing Toys to Life. There is no a single individual that can be the best. Everyone is good at what they do and that is why here are ten of those talented wonders that showed what it means to have “Fun.”
Summer in some countries are wrapping up and then there places out there that are just beginning to experience the heat. Some would rather stay indoors and set up a diorama and then there are others who can’t get enough Mr. Sun that they ran off somewhere nobody knows where.
It is great to be a toy photographer having those fictional ideas come from your mind and trying to execute them either it works or sometimes it would come out event better. Then you got those unexpected moments when you truly show emotion through these #ONESHOTSTORY ideas that really gets everyone inspired. This selection of the #BESTTENPICKS for the month of May 2019 should give you an idea at the same time an inspiration from this random images that quite as awesome as these toy photographers!

Kyle Smith gives a perspective of a “What If?” scenario that uses a TMNT action figure usually depicted in a city scene or under a sewer diorama that brings the character into the unusual situation, which equals to renewed interest in this idea.

Frederick Abeyeratne is going strong with his Spider-Man Noir scenery that put the character in his world that leaves the Toy Photographer’s viewers to make their own story in their head what will this guy do next in this mundane situation.

Lars Hauge Hoel shares his image of Ant-Man under a rough situation trying to get out of the tight spot. It might be reimagined from one of the scenes in Avengers: Endgame, but he lives that to your imagination unless you can come up with a good story how he’s going to get out of that?

Matthew Austin goes retro using the classic Batman that first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in a fine defiant against his foes. The simple backdrop adding some visual effects under that lighting clearly gives you a Batman truly why the hero lives in the night.

Beth Anthony surely wants to entertain you and so she does with a soldier playing a violin. It is either dark humor or just something from her mind that gives you a good reason to sometimes break the monotone of seriousness and experiment with a good #OneShotToyStory.

John Emerson D. Nuqui has one of the best photos submitted in the community, but sometimes what stands out is not the one that impresses you it is about showing emotion. This Storm Trooper with an unseen face shows you can tell a story without the need to see the entire figure.

Eddy Helmi shaes his composition about Doc Ock taking down the two of Marvel’s iconic characters namely, Spidey and Deadpool. Perhaps Eddy might have a future vision or he might have heard the rumors of Deadpool appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Maybe, we’ll just wait for “Far From Home” to be shown in cinemas in July for that speculation.

Ronrick Stephen Sydeco channels his Disney fandom in this portrait or Maleficent that is underrated , but delivers a simple #ONESHOTTOYSTORY structure with little effects to give you something to appreciate about as one of the best to come out from the month of May 2019.

Mohd Syamsul Syakir has been active in the community, but most of his compositions are indoors and this one was quite the interest. Nathan Drake from the “Uncharted” videogames in a swamp-like setting shows Mohd is not bothered or afraid about his action figure stuck in the mud that’s how Toy Photographers work their magic.

Ricardo Cabrera has the most colorful composition in the bunch with Ghost Rider in some sort of world where it is not hell, but surely gives some hipster vibes to the character’s dark imagery. The choice of color palette and the idea of what this means is impressive already.
Gathering the #TenBestPicks for the month May 2019 had so many good entries, clearly there were many great photos for this month and like last month not enough to fit them in this set of what makes them impressive.
The images chosen are not based on the use of characters or LIKE by other members of the group, but it are about the impact, execution why they were featured. At the end of the day it is about how you tell a story in one picture sometimes without the need for added text bubble and let the viewers have their imagination run wild.
There have been so many good images to mention but more chances next month. For now here are those #BESTTENPICKS that stand out that we hope it will give ideas and inspire you to pick a camera and choose your best character to tell your story or give them something to tell yours.
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