But for those who try to find a way to level things with those who are experiencing anxiety at the same keeping it together through Toy Photography indoors it is the best way to be distracted, busy, and also very productive in sharing your stories as last month’s productivity seems challenged to share their visual narratives.
The output on churning up the best images last month was something quite impressive with the high volume of photos being shared it shows that this interest in photography was one of the best avenues to find time in creating a good story that would become a composition that would turn into one image that says it all.
For those who still don’t understand what is a “One Shot Story” or “One Picture Narrative” then you may need to learn that when you post ONE PHOTO that says it all how you tell your story. For those who made it to “Best Ten Picks” consistently each month that means you’re disciplined taking your time and not sharing all your images at once. These individuals tell their stories and investing their time honing their craft and that is what is this community is trying to do.
It is no longer about focusing on the subject, but keep learning how to put together a good story like cooking a new recipe. This is the DNA in becoming a storyteller at the same time making great art out of your compositions.
The selection for March 2020 is emotional, humorous, colorful and gratifyingly impressive in keeping the ONE PHOTO ONLY NARRATIVE and here are the photos that made it from last month:

With the COVID-19 pandemic rearing its ugly the entire planet went on a lockdown and this shows how Toy Photographers react through their compositions. Casey Sisterson defined it by unplugging from society with these micro figures that is trying to disconnect the power source shows the anxiety of trying to learn the ‘new’ normal.

Eric Rio shares his composition that not everyone can go alone and like the Toy Story films’ motto no one gets left behind with the use of Buzz and Woody trying to go up the difficult stares as their reflections gives you that emotional punch in this image.

You can find light hearted humor through these selections and Hermawan Surjadi Tan made that fan fiction between Megaman (Rockman in Japan) and Snorlax sleeping late at night without knowing that there’s a physical distancing during these quarantine times surely adorable and a good laugh.

Kristi Yarng shares her most recent photo that an Imperial At-At Driver and the Walker that he pilots are like humans too spending isolation in their backyard bonding together. Kristi adds a different kind of palette of colors to give you the mood of how these characters going through their new life being at home.

During the month of March there was a time the moon loomed over catching some people with a good view that night. David Vicenti produce a simple look at catching a rare sunset similar to most people who caught up with the large moon. Just like his Playmo Figure his character shares the astounding view as day turns into night.

Andrea Vicariotto is fairly new to the community, but his entry surely appears like he’s been doing this for quite a while. The diorama set up is impressive with the subject hidden face in the darkness produce a silhouette stealthy moves in a compound as all ninja themed films make you feel like this one jumped from the screen of your television set.

They say there’s a field of dreams and also a good backyard to set up a narrative for your subjects. This is one that also shares the feeling of spending a lockdown with Jon Hart, which any kid or adult can imagine themselves like in the scene of ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” in this case couple of dinosaurs getting lost in those tall grass.

Jaernand Porlucas rarely post in the community but when he does his subjects may not have the flair of licensed IPs like Marvel or Star Wars though it is certain you’ll find his composition rich with emotion. Nendroid figurines are popular subjects used in Toy Photography due to their replaceable faces and accessories just like Muku Hatsume from the Harvest Moon videogame.

Outdoor toy photography has become rarity recently due to the lifestyle changes after the coronavirus pandemic made everyone stayed indoors. But not all countries have the same restriction and that’s fortunate for Chris Rose to share his skills in producing high quality compositions that is not defined by the toys he uses. This evident with this image he has put together with the outdoor backdrop.

Neil Burke has been in the community consistent with his photos and never afraid to experiment that has become one of his signature styles. For this photo you only see Superman’s red boots and clearly it becomes a story Neil shares that lets his viewers and followers define his work to become subjective interpretation which makes the list to complete the list.

Eleventh Mention
Of course, in this month’s eleventh wonder is something different featuring Jeffy Chen’s three images stitched together into one photo. It’s not the usual One Photo Narrative but it gives you a renewed insight about Toy Photography. It actually doesn’t bend the rules it gives you another option to tell your story.
But three photos put together as one image is another story altogether and using Bro Thor as a subject fits the narrative of an isolated individual during quarantine in these challenging times. Jeffy understands the outcome of his creation, but not all images stitched together into one photo would work with a different character. It just so happens that putting more than one photo has to be clever and interesting.
There are individuals who over do it for the sake of putting more images that become already an album and that is breaking the discipline in telling a story beyond the one image photo concept. There’s a saying quality over quantity because you get to choose the best one to put out there.
In Jeffy’s case it was timing of the situation that everyone is dealing with and making a three-part image into a comic strip without word balloons is expressive enough to give you an idea that superheroes are humans too and why this was an interesting subject as a special mention.
If you did not made it to the list just keep on shooting and tell your story. Always stay humble and be yourself to keep in mind what you share. Not everyone may agree with you, but whenever you join a community always be respectful of their rules and be concious how they share their content. It does not hurt to ask questions just be responsible and follow the rules.
Until then catch you all next month because it’s gotta be May!
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