You can start with an idea then move to the concept and then you end up what you initially thought possible or sometimes impossible. There have been wanting to do does not end up in the cutting floor, but sometimes it works or it doesn’t as long as you keep shooting with the way you do just always be open for criticisms positive or not it will make the best out of your next composition.
They say there’s no right or wrong only with your passion for toys and photography makes a good #ONESHOTSTORY although a six photo story is good, but the challenge is how do you convey a story without words in one picture? This depends on who is looking and how they interpret your image that gives an idea of a story in other people’s head.
Thematically there’s no theme here but an honest to goodness photo using a toy as your subject that builds inspiration at the same an idea what the others will do next. The list of this month’s #TenBestPicks is mostly random with how the concepts for the hash tag: “#ONESHOTSTORY” flows with each members who have posted their composition which earns them a spotlight in this page.
March 2019 has A LOT of new faces and aspiring Toy Photographers who have been keen to show their unique style and they have been inspiring that ideas never run out for to check it out below:

Paul Summers rarely gets his works noticed but when you look at some of his gems you’ll probably be blown away by his concept in how Bringing Toys To Life impossible becomes possible. Star Wars figures are most common subjects that get featured in this list. It’s not because of the toys it’s the photographer’s perspective and execution that makes these photos believable. Paul certainly made us believe in conveying this image that shows a lot of emotion without the need for word bubbles and it did certainly worked.

Stefan Hansen simple diorama set up and lighting probably make this an interesting view of a scene that might not been in an actual Punisher TV or movie, but from his concept and execution this was one interesting scene that most have used. But for Stefan this never runs out as how he tells the story in this action scene that’s about to go down which leaves you the viewer to conclude that story in your head.

Sam Chan has so many interesting stories to shares through his Toy Photography. Some of them are simple and sublime and sometimes downright nightmare fuel. Anakin here is already giving you the horror vibe that simple captures the emotion of the character sinking to his doom. Terribly impressive shot of this perspective but not for Anakin’s situation, no sir.

Danilo Battaglia rarely an active but when he shares his work it speak volumes of how these characters spend their ‘slice of life’ without the need to face the camera. It is all in the #ONESHOTSTORY concept that makes this an interesting subject for discussion on how he did it and he hasn’t replied yet just wait until he reads this feature about his photo.

Brian H. Myers is new to the community but most of his photos appear to be done professionally. The lighting and setting of the photos are vibrant. The Predator seemed to lives in this part of the jungle that worked in this photo that merits Brian a spotlight on this composition. He just needs to read the community guidelines about posting though.

Taylor Ramsey is probably a Captain Marvel fan and she certainly had a good set up with how she made Carol Danvers fly off into space. Although not the perfect image she did well with how she used photo manipulation to come up with the right effects. For a newbie she just needs to improve in her craft and this is one of those underrated compositions that have potential if you look closely.

Doker Meyo must be an outgoing kind guy appreciating the great outdoors. When you put Boba Fett and Sunset in one composition you got that shot at the golden hour. Sometimes a natural lighting done with this photo makes great image and that’s what Doker did.

Luis E. Castillo another new member who likes to post his photo at the community, but forgot to read the Community Guidelines about posting them. But rest assured Luis must be excited to share his work and this one stood out in the pack the Task Master taking on the Black Widow with those curving lines to the booty!

Joe Davis knows how to share a good #ONESHOTSTORY that sometimes you can do it with just a photo of a plane taking a dive in the fiery action scene. This one is a good close up thus leaves our imagination what was the pilot’s facial expression is at the time of this scene is impressively good.

Matthew Austin rounding up one of the best photos to come out in the group about an ‘Old Man Logan’ taking care of a ‘Hulkling’ must be good fun set in the outdoors or a diorama? Matt wants his viewers to think how he did this which leaves to our imagination for now.
This has been the #TENBESTPICKS from March 2019 and since it is now Summer in Asia let’s put a theme for April 2019 that has something to do with “Vacation, Road Trips, and Adventure” just don’t forget when you post your composition don’t forget the hash tag: #TP_Summer2019 along with #TP_ONESHOTSTORY and #BRINGINGTOYSTOLIFE!
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