Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Toy Photos in Books | Welcome to Marwencol

Welcome to Marwencol gained interest to how Mark Hogancamp endured with his post recovery from being beat up in a bar and sustaining brain injury ending up in a coma. It was a true story that caught attention that was documented his ordeal in 2010, which followed up with a book that most are unaware of.

When Welcome to Marwencol found interest as most of Hogancamp’s photos were used in his solo exhibition this also found its way into a collection of images that was produced with Hogancamp and Chris Shellen, published by Princeton Architectural Press, that documents Hogancamp's life and work.

The book is rarely seen sold at bookshops, but while living in South Australia the book can be borrowed through public libraries. Marion Libraries had one copy that was transferred from Burnside Library, which took a long time to make it available due to the interest that Mark Hogancamp’s life was now adapted into a motion picture directed by Robert Zemeckis and Hogancamp portrayed by Steve Carell.

For those who hasn’t seen the exterior and interior of the book you’ll be surprised how well detailed and intricate the pages where printed in a gloss stocked quality paper showing some of the best images Hogancamp has produced.

It is something Toy Photographer’s should aspire from how Mark Hogancamp put together some of his stories. It helped him cope with dealing with his injuries and let him created this world that people gravitated to in making their own stories through Toy Photography and this would be considered one of the best photo books out there.

This was an impressive book that it was named one of the best books of 2015 by Amazon.com and you may have a chance to read it just check with your local library or if you plan to get your own copy check with your local bookstore for details.


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